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The offensive & defensive lines are the most overlooked aspect of high school and youth football; yet their skill level of these positions often determine the success of their team at every level of play. The O-line will work on proper stance, footwork, head position, hand placement, & block progression in the run and pass game. The D-line will work on proper stance, hand position, getting off the ball on the snap, shedding blocks, & pursuit angles versus run and pass.

Success Starts Here!



Clinics will be broken in to two segments; the first half will involve a training circuit that will challenge the athletes physically and mentally. The circuits will stress movement patterns that are specific to OL/DL play (knee bend, low hips, explosion upper and lower body, lateral movement, hip mobility). The second half will be position specific technique training; stance, footwork (run and pass), blocking combinations, hand placement, and pass protection for OL. The DL will concentrate on footwork, block recognition, shedding the block, pursuit angles, and pass rush technique. The finale of each clinic will be the OL vs DL one on one pass competition, which will be filmed and critiqued by our coaches, as well as put on the website.

We would encourage each athlete to commit to being consistent in their attendance at each clinic as we will be teaching in segmented progressions. Offensive and Defensive line play is learned best through repetition, some studies suggest that it takes 10,000 repetitions for something to become a habit. We also realize that every athlete will not be able to attend all the time, be there as often as you can to become the best player you can be.

           One On One and Group Coaching


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           Long Snapping Lessons


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           Coaching Clinics – Coming Soon


College / Recruits

High School
Skills / Drilles



Our camps will be very much like our clinics, but the longer length of time allows us to coach more in depth. We will be able to take the athlete into the class room and teach them scheme, how to watch film and really work on the mental aspect of the game. The athletes will also be introduced to proper nutrition and training, which is a key component in becoming the best you can be. We will also do leadership training, it is our goal for each athlete when they leave us and return to their team that they take over a leadership role on their team and community. The camp also will allow us to introduce the recruiting process to the athletes, so that there are no surprises, especially on the academic component of recruiting.

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